Post-Christmas Bookstore Haul + Best Christmas Gift Ever! [Stacking The Shelves #3]

10 January 2015

Christmas has come and gone, and as a "grown up" with my own fair share of aunts and uncles, and godparents, it's either you get presents... or you get cash. I prefer the latter. And thanks to these awesome family members that have provided me with book money, the bookstore is where I am off!

I don't buy a lot of books since I'm pretty much broke for that, and this was the only time I got to splurge, and my god, I have made quite a pile.

Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson
Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
Legend by Marie Lu
Entangle by Veronica Larsen***
Lullabies by Lang Leav
Adultery by Paulo Coelho
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith

As you can see, the books I've bought are of various genres, because like I've mentioned in my 2015 Resolutions post, I plan to make the blog pretty much diverse and not only stick to romance books. 

Also, there's a special mention among these books in the pile, by the way. It's Entangle by Veronica Larsen. Mind you, this book wasn't purchased -- to clarify. 

I had the privilege of an ARC to Entangle, and if you were able to read my review, you'll understand how I loved this book and enjoyed every bit of it. 

Afterwards, I had been contacted by the author, Veronica Larsen, about how she loved my review and that she would love to send me a signed paperback of her book, all the way from the US! For some bloggers/reviewers, it might not be a big deal, but as a newbie blogger from the other side of the world, being contacted by an indie author, let alone offered to be sent a book is like one of the best things that could happen yet. 

I'm not going to lie, I doubted a bit because I figured once she finds the service to be quite expensive, she might change her mind. But a few days later, she lets me know via email that my package is already on the way, and in two weeks time, it arrives in a white box from the US Postal service, I almost cried tears of joy, because this is the best Christmas gift yet!


Thank you for writing such an in depth review of my novel. 
Your blog has a new fan in me.
I look forward to sharing my future works with you.

All the best, 

*An arrow to the side pointing to the smudged area, saying "whoops, sorry"

Such a cutieeeeeee. <3

A big special thanks to Ms. Veronica for sending me this book! I can't wait to reread it and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of her works! 

You can get ENTANGLE by Veronica Larsen on AMAZON (Kindle and Paperback)


  1. I bought my first Palahniuk book back in November (Doomed) because I've been curious about his writing. And yes, for diversifying your reading choices. :) Enjoy, Bless!

    1. I've read two books by Palahniuk already (Lullaby and Damned) and I've fallen in love with his satirical language. Thank you for stopping by, Joy! :D

  2. We both need to read Legend sometime this year! Also, A Thousand Peices of You has such a pretty cover! Let me know your thoughts on all of these books!

    1. YES! We should! This book has such amazing feedback, and I'm excited, but I'm kind of scared as well because I haven't read a dystopian book since The Hunger Games. :o

  3. Hey, I've tagged you in Reader Problems Tag! You can check out mine here:

  4. I need to read Legend and soon! It looks so good. I also need to read A Thousand Pieces of You, but I'm a little scared because so many people aren't digging it.

    1. Yeah! I've heard a whole lot of positive reviews about Legend. And right about A Thousand Pieces of You, but the cover's really gorgeous, I couldn't pass on a pretty cover. ;D


Thank you, Mischievous Readers, for taking the time to read my post/review, and I would be so glad to know about your thoughts, so please leave me a comment, I'll surely reply!

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